Nature Photography

Friday, February 10, 2006

New Activities at TLF

I've added 3 forum activities that I hope will help add more interactivity to The Lens Flare as well as help clean up the galleries.

The new forums are:

1. Challenges - post a challenge or post links to your images for that challenge.

2. One View - this was part of the main galleries, but I'm moving them here. This will make it so One View images don't skew the image scores, and it will make it so others can start new One View images, instead of just me.

3. What's It - This has been a fun game. The idea is to post an image and have other people try and guess what it is. It has been done on the main galleries, but that skews the scores because of the many comments that these types of images get. By moving it here, it gives it a home so that those that are interested in this game can find them easy.

Also, I'm working on a way to allow people to vote on gallery images. I'm only going to allow people to vote if they are a silver/gold member or have at least 25 forum postings. Hopefully, these activities will help people get to the 25 post minimum quickly and easily.

Feel free to visit The Lens Flare Forum.