Nature Photography

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Projects and other stuff I've been up to.

I've neglected poor ole blogger for a while now as I've been working hard on some other projects. I'm adding a contest feature to The Lens Flare to give people another reason to come back to TLF. I'm also working on a website for a singer and another one for a photography studio.

In addition to this, I've stumbled onto, which has been quite addicting. It's a community blog site where you can rate websites by giving it a thumbs up or down. The more good reviews a page gets, the more people 'stumble' on it, which is a button in their Firefox toolbar that sends people to pages that they might like.

There's quite a following at that site, somewhere around 1.3 million users. In fact, about 17% of TLF's visitors last week came from this site - many of which came from a very popular person's review of one of TLF's pages (within an hour after she reviewed it, over 200 people visited the page). Stumbleupon came in 3rd for referals next to direct visits and Google referals.

My only complaint is that they tag each of the external links with ref='nofollow' which tells the Search Engines not to follow that link. This is a major bummer because a major factor in showing up in search engine results is the number of good links to your website. Oh well, the random traffic more than makes up for it.


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